Do You Need a Root Canal? 7 Tell Tale Symptoms

There are certain conditions, like tooth decay, that can affect your teeth to a great extent, even risking their vitality. Thankfully, root canal treatment offers a way to treat these ailments while preserving your natural teeth and avoiding the trouble of acquiring some type of tooth replacement. In this article, you will find some signs and symptoms that indicate that you may need to receive a root canal in Dearborn . Severe pain Having a severe toothache that won't go away even after taking pain medication indicates that you may have an infection. This is the result of tooth decay. Dental cavities start as an erosion of the enamel, which is the outer layer of the tooth that protects its underlying tissues. At this point, dental cavities can be treated by a dentist in Dearborn with a dental filling. However, when patients neglect this condition, the erosion continues to destroy the tooth until it reaches its core, which is called the dental pulp. It is formed by connectiv...