Root Canal Post Treatment Care

Have you had a toothache? If you have, you know how painful it can be, leading you to take pain medication for days, and sometimes, not even painkillers can soothe the sensation. When a tooth is that damaged, there are only two options – extracting it or saving it. In our dental clinic in Dearborn, we always prioritize saving a dental piece. Extracting a tooth leads to the following consequences: • Bone loss – When you lose a dental piece, the bone surrounding it loses its stimulation and starts resorbing. • Older appearance – Bone loss causes your face to shrink, making you look older. • Teeth shifting – The teeth adjacent to the gap shift towards it, leading to alignment issues. • Higher risk of tooth decay – Gaps lead to food debris and plaque buildup, which leads to tooth decay if you don’t carefully remove it. • Decrease your self-esteem – On a more psychological aspect, tooth loss causes a lack of confidence in people. They feel self-conscious about their smiles and hav...