Should You Brush Your Teeth The Day of An Extraction?

After a tooth extraction, it's important to follow our dentist in Dearborn instructions regarding postoperative care to minimize the risk of complications and promote healing. Generally, you should avoid brushing the extraction site on the day of the procedure to avoid dislodging the blood clot that forms in the socket and promotes healing. However, you can start brushing your teeth again the day after the extraction, but it's important to be gentle and avoid the extraction site. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush carefully around the area to avoid irritating the healing tissues. You can also rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water to help keep the area clean. If you have any concerns or questions about postoperative care of tooth extractions near you , be sure to contact our Royal Dentistry for guidance. They can provide personalized instructions based on your specific situation and the type of extraction you had. Tooth extraction aftercare After a tooth extractio...