How to Avoid Pain After a Tooth Extraction

Every year dentists and oral surgeons extract millions of teeth, almost without any extreme side effects or aftereffects. Two percent of the individuals who have their teeth extracted may experience something known as a dry socket, a condition that can be pretty painful but is not dangerous to the individual’s health. For information on tooth extraction in Dearborn, visit a dental clinic near you today.

Dry socket is also called alveolar osteitis. It occurs when the blood clot that has formed over the area of the tooth extraction is dislodged or lost. The blood clot acts as a protective barrier for the jawbone and nerves during the healing process. When the blood clot is lost, the area is exposed to air, fluids, or food, and the tissue can become irritated.

Usually, dry sockets occur at the back of the mouth in the lower molars and are quite rare. It occurs in patients who are above the age of 25, regular smokers, and in women who take oral contraceptives. Individuals are also at risk of developing a dry socket when they attempt activities like brushing or rinsing their mouth, chewing vigorously, etc., too soon after a tooth extraction procedure. It can dislodge the blood clot.

After a tooth extraction procedure, you can reduce your risk of developing a dry socket with a few simple tips.

1.Avoid brushing your teeth after the tooth extraction as well as after the day of the tooth extraction, unless told otherwise by your dentist. 

2. Rinse your mouth gently using warm water.

3. Avoid eating hot liquids and stick to a diet containing soft and mushy food.

4. Avoid smoking for a few days after the tooth extraction process. If necessary, use a nicotine patch during the healing process.

During the first few days after the tooth extraction, keep an eye out for any symptoms of dry socket. Symptoms most often include excruciating pain radiating toward the ear from the outside, an awful taste in the mouth, and a bad odor in the mouth. Immediately visit a dental clinic in Dearborn to eradicate the symptoms which shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

To treat a dry socket, a dentist in a dental clinic near you will typically inundate the socket and use a medical dressing on the inflicted area. You will have to change the dressing every day for at least a week to help eradicate the dry socket. After a week, you may leave the dressing on the inflicted area for some time while the dry socket heals.

If an individual develops a dry socket, be assured that it will not interfere with the healing process of the tooth extraction. The wound or the site of extraction will heal irrespective of whether or not you have a dry socket. It is best to prevent and treat a dry socket to make sure that you have a comfortable healing process after a tooth extraction procedure. 

It is best to avoid any vigorous or strenuous activity in your mouth after tooth extraction. Follow your dentist’s advice and give yourself enough time to heal before excessively chewing on hard foods or sucking on liquids using a straw. Prevention is better than cure. 

To learn more about dry sockets or alveolar osteitis, book an appointment with a dentist near you today. You can communicate any questions or queries you may have regarding tooth extractions near you or dry sockets, their causes, and treatment. 


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