What to Expect With the Dental Implant Procedure?

So you lost a tooth, what can you do? Missing one or many dental pieces has consequences in the rest of your teeth, and it also has an impact on your self-esteem. Studies have shown that some people have a decrease in their self-confidence after they lose a tooth.

There are many reasons why you can lose them, such as:
  • A fracture – some accidents can lead to a tooth fracture, and if it is beneath the gum line, a dentist near you might advise to extract it.
  • Severe decay – Untreated tooth decay can destroy a large amount of dental structure, including the roots. If this happens, the damage is irreparable.
  • A failed root canal – A root canal is a dental treatment that saves very damaged teeth. If it is not successful, your endodontist may repeat it, or suggest the extraction of the dental piece.
  • Tooth agenesis – It is the congenital absence of one or more teeth.
  • Gum disease – Gingivitis is the earliest stage of periodontal disease, and it consists of the inflammation of your gingival tissue. If untreated, it can advance to periodontitis, which is a bone disease that affects the support of teeth, so they become loose and can fall out.
If you feel related to any of the situations described before, dental implants in Dearborn can be your solution. 

What Are Dental Implants?

If you are looking for dental implants near you, you need to know what they are. Implants consist of a metal post that looks like a screw and replace the root of your lost tooth.

Our dentist in Dearborn will explain to you all about the procedure so you can know what to expect.

Before the Surgery

Before the surgery appointment, our doctor will evaluate you in the office to make sure you qualify for dental implants. He or she will analyze your set of x-rays and cone-beam computer tomography to determine where to place the implants, the density of your jawbone, sinuses, nerve canals, and others. 

If you have any dental problems, such as a cavity or an infection, he or she will suggest addressing them before undergoing surgery, to avoid further issues. During this visit, feel free to discuss any concerns you may have. Ask about the costs, the recovery, and if you are a nervous person, you may ask for sedation dentistry.

Once the evaluation has been made, and your mouth is healthy, we will set an appointment for your implants surgery.

During the Surgery

The days of fearing dental procedures are over. Thanks to modern dentistry, treatments are now safer, faster, and more comfortable.

The first thing our doctors will do is managing your pain and anxiety. He or she will administer local anesthetic in the area, to numb it, so you don’t feel a thing. Then, they will make a hole in your jawbone to place the implant inside of it. It may sound painful, but we can assure you that you won’t feel a thing.

After the place of the implant, you will have to wait until it fully integrates with your bone. This process is called osseointegration, and it takes from three to six months to complete.

Then, it’s time for your dental crown. Your dentist will install it on top of the implant, and you will look as natural as if nothing ever happened.

After the Surgery

The recovery is not complicated. Naturally, you will feel some discomfort during the first days, but you can manage it by taking over-the-counter painkillers, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Implants don’t require any special care. Just keep brushing and flossing your teeth, maintain a proper diet, and don’t skip your dental checkups and cleanings. 


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